jQuery Secret Plugin Demo

This demo shows how to pass data to different js files without using global.

Code in common.js

  // store some common data and methods
  // which are going to be use through out the whole application
  $.secret( 'in', 'name', 'Ben' ).
    secret( 'in', 'age', 30 ).
    secret( 'in', 'sports', [ 'basketball', 'baseball' ]).

    secret( 'in', 'showName', function( callback ){
      // append the stored 'name' to page
        append( '<p class="name"> Name: ' + this.name + '</p>' );
      // do a callback function if any
      if( callback ) callback.call( this );

    }).secret( 'in', 'showAge', function( callback ){
      // append the stored 'age' to page
        append( '<p class="age"> Age: ' + this.age + '</p>' );
      // do a callback function if any
      if( callback ) callback.call( this );

    }).secret( 'in', 'showSports', function( callback ){
      // cache obj props ouside the loop
      var sports = this.sports,
      fragment = '<p>Sports:<ul>';

      $.each( sports, function( key, value ){
        fragment = fragment + '<li>' + value + '</li>';

      fragment = fragment + '</ul></p>';

      this.$playground.append( fragment );
      if( callback ) callback.call( this );

Code in another.js

  // wrap code in a document ready function
  $( function(){

    $( '#click-me' ).bind( 'click', function(){
      // pass the $( '#play-ground' ) to $.secret private obj
      $.secret( 'in', '$playground', $( '#play-ground' )).

        // execute predefined methods
        secret( 'out', 'showName', function(){
          alert( 'callback function from showName' );
        }).secret( 'out', 'showAge', function(){
          alert( 'callback function from showAge' );
        }).secret( 'out', 'showSports', function(){
          alert( 'callback function from showSports' );

Click the button to see how these code works, you can check Firebug in the DOM panel to see if there is any global object.