A jQuery plugin that gives you a google image search style image alignment

If you have a image gallery with different width and height for each image, your page may look messy. Use this plugin to align your gallery with a ‘Google Image Search’ style result.
- Click here to see the demo
- The demo page is also included in the source file
- Download source code from Github
- jQuery 1.2.6+
Browser Compatibility
- Firefox 2.0+
- Internet Explorer 6+
- Safari 3+
- Opera 10.6+
- Chrome 8+
- First, make sure you are using valid DOCTYPE
- Include nessesary JS files
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-file/jquery.atteeeeention.js"></script>
- Add these css styles to your stylesheet
.clearfix:after{ content: "."; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; } .clearfix{ display: inline-block; } * html .clearfix{ height: 1%; } .clearfix{ display: block; }
- description: space between images( margin-right and margin-bottom )
- data type: integer
- default value: 12
- possible value: any integer
- example code
$( '#gallery' ).atteeeeention({ margin: 20 });
- description: sometimes the last row might not have enough images, if you want your gallery to look prettier you can set this option to true to hide the last row
- data type: bool
- default value: false
- possible value: true, false
- example code
$( '#gallery' ).atteeeeention({ hideLastRow: true });
HTML markup
example code
// this is the markup for $( '#gallery' ).atteeeeention(); <div id="gallery"> <a href="/img/a.jpg"> <img src="/img/a-thumb.jpg"/> </a> <a href="/img/a.jpg"> <img src="/img/a-thumb.jpg"/> </a> <a href="/img/a.jpg"> <img src="/img/a-thumb.jpg"/> </a> .... </div>
- ‘div’ can be replaced with ‘ul’, ‘ol’ or any other block element.
- ‘class’ can be used instead of ‘id’
- ‘a’ can be replaced with ‘div’, ‘span’, or any other tag